


The sustainability-oriented talk series at the TUM campus in Straubing.

This is greentalk.

150 students, renown guests, one topic: Building a fair and sustainable economy.

Our first guest.

No other than Dieter Overath, founder of Fairtrade Deutschland.

„Dear coffee companies: If you do not want to save the world, then at least save your supply chains!“

Sustainability, social justice and business administration – few German entrepreneurs have thought these terms together as consistently over the past three decades as Dieter Overath. After a stay in South America – where he became aware of the exploitation of coffee farmers by global trade – he set the goal of establishing a network for fairly traded products from the global South. Today, the Fairtrade label is the best-known and most widespread social label in Germany, with an awareness level of around 90%. Dieter Overath was honored for his life’s work with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in September 2022. On June 28 Dieter Overath shared his experiences from thirty years of Fairtrade history and discussed the potential of Fairtrade in the future with 150 students of TUM Campus Straubing.
©Jim Rakete Fairtrade
©Fairtrade Deutschland Tim Keweritsch
Fairtrade Deutschland e.V. / Anand Parmar
Fairtrade Deutschland e.V. / Ilkay Karakurt
Fairtrade Deutschland e.V. / Tim Keweritsch

Wir freuen uns sehr, den Gründer von Fairtrade Deutschland, Dieter Overath, als unseren ersten Gast ankündigen zu dürfen.

Nachhaltigkeit, soziale Gerechtigkeit und Betriebswirtschaft – wenige deutsche Unternehmer haben diese Begriffe in den vergangenen drei Jahrzehnten so konsequent zusammengedacht wie Dieter Overath.

Nach einem Aufenthalt in Südamerika – wo er auf die Ausbeutung der Kaffeebauern durch den Welthandel aufmerksam wurde – fasste er das Ziel, ein Netzwerk für fair gehandelte Produkte aus dem globalen Süden zu etablieren. Heute ist das Fairtrade-Siegel mit einem Bekanntheitsgrad von rund 90 % das bekannteste und am weitesten verbreitete Sozialsiegel in Deutschland.

Für sein Lebenswerk wurde Dieter Overath im September 2022 mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet.

Am 28. Juni (NAWAREUM Straubing, Einlass 18:30 Uhr) wird Dieter Overath seine Erfahrungen aus dreißig Jahren Fairtrade Geschichte teilen und einen Blick auf das Potenzial von fairem Handel in Zukunft werfen.

©Jim Rakete Fairtrade
Fairtrade Deutschland e.V. / Anand Parmar
©Fairtrade Deutschland Tim Keweritsch

the Let's rethink the fashion industry.

Our second event discussing the sustainable transformation of the textile industry.


Poor working conditions, unsustainable resources, tons of waste … there are countless issues in the fashion industry when it comes to sustainability. 

Around 80 students from the TUM Campus Straubing discussed solutions to make the fashion industry more sustainable and fair.

The discussions were enriched by two keynote speeches by our guests:

Katrin Bolkart is a Principal Consultant at Anthesis Group, one of the largest sustainability consultancies. Her focus is on life cycle analysis and carbon accounting. In her keynote, she shared important insights on the state of the sustainable transformation of the fashion industry with the audience.

Michael Pfeifer is co-founder of the Berlin-based upcycling start-up MOOT. His start-up reduces textile waste by making new clothes from discarded garments. In his keynote speech and a subsequent interview, he told us about the process of upcycling textiles and explained his path to becoming a start-up.

©Fairtrade Deutschland Tim Keweritsch

Our partners.

TUMCSgreentalk is made possible by:

About us.

What we do.

We are a student initiative of the TUM Campus Straubing with the aim to create a platform of exchange between students and thought leaders from the sustainability field with events on sustainability and sustainability-oriented entrepreneurship. For this purpose, we collaborate with various members of the Straubing Competence Center.

You want to become part of our team? Then send us a short email to:

Our goals.

1. Inspire students to scale their own sustainable impact with sustainable entrepreneurship methods.

2. Build a network of sustainability thought leaders and students at TUM Campus Straubing.

3. Promote the ecosystem for sustainable entrepreneurship in Straubing.


Our events take place in the Uferstraße building of TUM campus Straubing.

Imprint/ Privacy


Inspiring sustainable impact.

The sustainability-oriented talk series at the TUM campus in Straubing.

This is greentalk.

150 students, renown guests, one topic: Building a fair and sustainable economy.

Next event:

Our first guest.

No other than Dieter Overath, founder of Fairtrade Deutschland.

“Dear coffee companies: If you do not want to save the world, then at least save your supply chains!”

Sustainability, social justice and business administration – few German entrepreneurs have thought these terms together as consistently over the past three decades as Dieter Overath.
After a stay in South America – where he became aware of the exploitation of coffee farmers by global trade – he set the goal of establishing a network for fairly traded products from the global South.
Today, the Fairtrade label is the best-known and most widespread social label in Germany, with an awareness level of around 90%.
Dieter Overath was honored for his life’s work with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in September 2022.
On June 28 Dieter Overath shared his experiences from thirty years of Fairtrade history and discussed the potential of Fairtrade in the future with 150 students of TUM Campus Straubing.
©Jim Rakete Fairtrade
Fairtrade Deutschland e.V. / Tim Keweritsch
Fairtrade Deutschland e.V. / Anand Parmar
©Fairtrade Deutschland Tim Keweritsch

the Let's rethink the fashion industry.

Our second event discussing the sustainable transformation of the textile industry.


Poor working conditions, unsustainable resources, tons of waste … there are many negative aspects of the fashion industry. Around 80 students from TUMCS discussed  how to unf*ck it!

Michael Pfeifer, Co-Founder MOOT
Katrin Bolkart, Principal Consultant Anthesis Group

The discussions were enriched by two keynote speeches by our guests:

Katrin Bolkart is a Principal Consultant at Anthesis Group, one of the largest sustainability consultancies. Her focus is on life cycle analysis and carbon accounting. In her keynote, she shared important insights on the state of the sustainable transformation of the fashion industry with the audience.

Michael Pfeifer is co-founder of the Berlin-based upcycling start-up MOOT. His start-up reduces textile waste by making new clothes from discarded garments. In his keynote speech and a subsequent interview, he told us about the process of upcycling textiles and explained his path to becoming a start-up.

©Jim Rakete Fairtrade
©Fairtrade Deutschland Tim Keweritsch
Michael Pfeifer, Co-Founder MOOT
Katrin Bolkart, Principal Consultant Anthesis Group

Our partners.

TUMCSgreentalk is made possible by:

About us.

What we do.

We are a student initiative of the TUM Campus Straubing with the aim to create a platform of exchange between students and thought leaders from the sustainability field with events on sustainability and sustainability-oriented entrepreneurship. For this purpose, we collaborate with various members of the Straubing Competence Center.

You want to become part of our team? Then send us a short email to:

Our goals.

1. Inspire students to scale their own sustainable impact with sustainable entrepreneurship methods.

2. Build a network of sustainability thought leaders and students at TUM Campus Straubing.

3. Promote the ecosystem for sustainable entrepreneurship in Straubing.


Our next event takes place in the Uferstraße building of TUM campus Straubing.
(Uferstraße 53, 94315 Straubing)

